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Best Digital Entertainment (Digital Entertainment Software) Certificate of Merit
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Best Technology
Title of Entry: Rainbow Riders
Winner: Oribit Media International; M-Inverse Holdings Limited Introduction
Rainbow Riders
¡§Rainbow Riders¡¨ is an innovative, ambitious action race project outshining excisting racing games in both console and PC markets. The spectacular characters, exciting chasing, invigorating loops, stunning vehicle transformation, attractive gimmicks and extra-ordinary circuits, all contribute to capture every player¡¦s heart. The revolutional content presents the state-of-the-art machines and characters as well as the fun items and gimmicks that distinguish the product from conventional racing games. ¡§Rainbow Riders¡¨ is a multi-platformed title supporting instant Wi-Fi on-line operation. There are multi-game modes including story mode with high quality C.G. animation. ¡§Rainobw Riders¡¨ is 100% Hong Kong developed, with characters and story concept created by a world class designer team and technical support by international award winners with original physics engine and A.I. program.
All rights reserved.© 2007 Hong Kong Digital Entertainment Association.